Our organisation receives funding to sponsor individuals to attend FA coaching, refereeing, safeguarding, first aid, and welfare officer workshops.
By attending these workshops, individuals can gain valuable skills and knowledge in their respective areas of interest.
The benefits of attending these workshops include:
- Enhancing skills and knowledge: Individuals can gain a deeper understanding of coaching or refereeing techniques, safeguarding procedures, first aid practices, and welfare officer responsibilities through these workshops.
- Improved job prospects: Completing these workshops can enhance an individual's CV and improve their job prospects. Many organisations, such as sports clubs and schools, require their coaches and referees to have these qualifications.
- Networking opportunities: Workshops can provide opportunities for individuals to network with other coaches, referees, and sports enthusiasts, which can lead to potential career opportunities.
- Contribution to community: With their new skills and qualifications, individuals can make a positive contribution to their communities by coaching or refereeing local sports teams or organising events.
Overall, attending coaching, refereeing, safeguarding, first aid, and welfare officer workshops can benefit both individuals and their communities.